Tax Free
Tax Free at Moscow Domodedovo Airport
Tips on getting value-added tax refunded
If you are not a resident of the Russian Federation, you can obtain a refund of value-added tax (VAT).
Citizens of foreign states, except for countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan), are eligible to receive the VAT refund.
The minimum value of the total purchase for the VAT refund is RUB 10,000. The goods should be bought in stores affiliated with the same brand within 24 hours.
Foreign citizens can claim up to 15% less the tax-free operator’s fee, if the goods have been exported from Russia within three months since the date of the purchase.
How to reclaim VAT refund?
When checking in for your flight, inform a check-in staff about tax-free items in your baggage. The agent will escort you to the CUSTOMS TAX FREE CONTROL desk at the check-in counter # 178 / 209 in the new segment of the passenger terminal (T2).
Go through the customs inspection and get the tax refund documents validated.
If the tax-free items are carried in your hand luggage, go to the CUSTOMS TAX FREE CONTROL offices in the international departure area after the security check.
After the customs inspection and issuance of the necessary documents, please drop the tax-free receipts and documents in the box marked with the tax-free operator’s brand. You will find the boxes next to the tax-free inspection desks.