Online check-in

If you wish to check in online, please confirm the check-in opening and closing time with your airline.
As a rule, online check-in opens one day and closes 90 minutes before departure. Detailed information about the start time and end time of check-in you can get at airlines website.
If you received an electronic boarding pass during online check-in and you don’t have baggage for check-in, you can immediately go to the pre-flight inspection area (Single inspection center, 2nd floor).
Select the airline you are flying with:
Online check-in takes place at the airline's website and follows its procedures.
Go to your airline's website and follow the instructions.
Moscow Domodedovo Airport is not responsible for any website malfunction, data transmission errors, as well as use of your personal data by third-party websites. In case of any irregularities during online check-in, please contact your airline.
For any questions about online check-in please contact your airline's customer service or visit their website.
Online check-in to flights operated by Tajik Air is provided by Moscow Domodedovo Airport. If you are flying with one of these airlines, below are answers answers to the most frequently asked questions.
If you have not printed your boarding pass, you can do this:
- at the check-in desk;
- at a self-service check-in kiosk (some of the airlines) - kiosks are located at the sides of the check-in areas;
- at reprints located in the transport security zone (transport sector) on the 2nd floor;
Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement applies to the online check-in services available at
Online check-in is provided by the carrier pursuant to the contract of carriage concluded directly between the customer (passenger) and the Airline. When using online check-in, the passenger may be required to provide his/her personal information, such as passenger's first name and last name, date of birth, place of residence, departing flight details, bank card number, etc. This information is stored in check-in databases operated and controlled by the airlines or their handling agents and is used to support the online passenger check-in function.
Moscow Domodedovo International Airport is not responsible for protection or disclosure to third parties of the passenger's personal information entered by the passengers on the websites of airlines or their handling agents.