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Customs control

Customs control at Moscow Domodedovo Airport is carried out by
Domodedovo Customs Office of the Federal Customs Service of Russian Federation.

Import and export of goods

Russian Federation is a member state of the Customs Union, whose single territory covers the territories of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation. Movement of goods across the border of the Customs Union is regulated by the legislation of the Customs Union.

Rules governing movement of goods across the border of the Customs Union
can be found at the Domodedovo Customs Office's website:

Filling out the customs declaration

You can fill out your passenger declaration online with our service.

After filling the form, a UIN number will be assigned to your declaration. As a part of the customs control at the airport, you would need to provide this number to the customs officer when passing through the red corridor. No paper form is required in this case.

Dear passengers!

According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 81 dated March 01, 2022 "On additional temporary measures of an economic nature to ensure the financial stability of the Russian Federation", from March 02, 2022, a temporary ban on the export of cash foreign currency and (or) monetary instruments in foreign currency in the amount exceeding the equivalent of 10 thousand US dollars and calculated at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, established on the date of export.