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PERSONAL ACCOMPANIMENT is a service of escorting a passenger by an airport representative

The Passenger Assistance Service is provided to passengers on domestic flights and international flights.

For priority passengers there is a special VIP entrance. You can see the route map here


An airport employee will pick you up with a sign containing your name and surname and your flight number on the terminal forecourt (next to A4 cube) / next to the railway platform (after the turnstiles at the exit from the railway platform) / on the P2 car park (at the entrance to the tunnel leading to the passenger, next to the Assistance desk). The airport staff member will escort you:

  • through the transport security area at the entrance to the passenger terminal;
  • to the check-in desks assigned to the flight of the passenger, if the passenger has not yet done his or her check-in and/or if the passenger needs to drop off luggage;
  • to the transport security check (in the operational part of the terminal) and meets the passenger upon its completion;
  • to the customs control area, where the passenger independently chooses the ‘green’/’red’ channel, and meets the passenger after the chosen channel (in case of an international flight);
  • to the border control area, choosing the passport control booth with the least load, and meets the passenger upon completion of the passport check procedures (in case of an international flight);
  • to the gate assigned for the flight (by default) or to the business lounge (at the passenger’s preference).

Note. Staying with the passenger while he/she is waiting for boarding is not included in the service.


An airport employee will meet you at the exit from the air jetty or at the debussing point next to the entrance to the Arrivals area of the passenger terminal, with a sign containing the passenger’s name, surname and flight number. The airport employee will accompany you as you go through airport procedures:

  • to the border control area, choosing the passport control booth with the least load (in case of an international flight), and will meet the passenger upon completion of the passport check procedures;
  • to the ‘Baggage Claim’ area to pick up the passenger’s luggage;
  • to the customs control area, where the passenger independently chooses the ‘green’/’red’ channel, and will meet the passenger after the chosen channel;
  • to the terminal forecourt / entrance to the railway platform / P2 car park (the exact place is at the passenger’s discretion).

Note. If there is no train / bus / taxi immediately available to take onto, the airport employee is not expected to wait for its arrival.

Necessary conditions

The passenger needs to:

  1. 1 hour 30 minutes in advance to the planned departure time in case of a domestic flight;
  2. 2 hours in advance to the planned departure time in case of an international flight;
  3. should there be an animal or weapons in the passenger’s luggage, such a passenger shall arrive at the airport no later than 2 hours 30 minutes in advance;
  4. 15-30 minutes prior to arrival at the terminal forecourt of Domodedovo Airport, contact an airport employee by telephone number +7 495 641 10 61 in order to agree on the meeting point and communicate identification marks (brand and number plate of the car, if any).

Cost and Ordering of the Service

Cost per one passenger
Product name Amount (base tariff) without VAT Rate VAT Amount (base tariff) with VAT Tariff Start Date
Personal assistance *

Children up to 2 years of age - 0 RUB
3 750 RUB 20% 4 500 RUB 01.01.2023

The personal assistance service can be ordered using this link or at the information desk K231 in the international flight check-in area.


When can I purchase a service?

The service can be purchased no later than 1.5 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight.

When do I need to arrive at the airport?

It is necessary to arrive at the airport no later than 1 hour before the expected departure time of the flight.

Can children use this service?

Yes, only accompanied by adults. For unaccompanied children, the service «Unaccompanied minors» is available.

What class of passengers can use the Personal accompaniment?

Personal accompaniment is provided to passengers of domestic and international flights of any class of service and any airline.