Baggage and cabin luggage allowance

Passengers who have been found in possession of dangerous substances and items, whose manufacture, possession, and storage is a criminal offense (weapons, ammunition, explosives, firing devices, explosive devices, narcotics, toxic, poisonous, radioactive substances, etc.), are denied boarding and, together with such substances and items (report and seized substances and items), handed over to the police for further investigation.
It is forbidden to carry in your cabin baggage:
- liquids and gels (in containers of more than 100 ml);
- any weapons and their models;
- sharp objects;
- crush and blunt weapons;
- tools;
- magnetic materials;
- stun or shocking devices;
- radioactive substances;
- poisonous and toxic substances;
- compressed and liquefied gases;
- flammable substances;
- flammable solids;
- corrosive, aggressive substances;
- explosives and objects filled with them;
- objects labeled as dangerous on their packaging.
The list of items and substances prohibited for carriage in the aircraft cabin baggage
Enacted by ICAO Document 8973
Following items and substances are prohibited from carriage:
- magnetic materials;
- shocker devices;
- radioactive substances;
- poisonous and toxic substances;
- compressed and liquefied gases;
- flammable substances;
- flammable solids;
- corrosive, aggressive substances;
- explosives and objects filled with them;
- objects labeled as dangerous on their packaging.
The list of dangerous items and substances prohibited from carriage
Enacted with Order 104 of July 25, 2007 by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation