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Airport Guide |
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Pressing “Send” you confirm your consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation and the Confidentiality Policy.
The Confidentiality Policy for the Personal Information (hereinafter—the Policy) applies to all the information on the User that can be received by LLC DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES and/or by the persons being the members of the same group as LLC DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES (hereinafter—the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s legal entities or the Moscow DOMODEDOVO Airport) while the User uses any of the websites, services, programmes or products of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport (hereinafter—the Services), and when the Moscow Domodedovo Airport implements any contracts and agreements with the User. The consent given by the User to the Policy expressed by the former within the framework of relations with one of the persons of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall apply to all other persons of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
Using the Services rendered through the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website means the User’s unconditional acceptance of this Policy and these conditions of the processing of the User’s personal data; should the User disagree with these conditions, the User shall refrain from using the Services.
1. Users Personal Information Processed by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport
1.1. As a part of this Policy, the “User Personal Information” shall mean:
1.1.1. The personal information submitted by the User on his/her own about himself/herself during the registration (account creation) or during the usage of the Services. The information that is compulsory for the rendition of the website’s Services is highlighted in a special way. Other information shall be submitted by the User at his/her discretion.
1.1.2. The data that are automatically transferred to the Services of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s site during the usage of these data through the User’s embedded software, including the IP-address, the cookies, the information on the User’s browser (or any other programme that allows for access to the Services), the technical characteristics of the hardware and software used by the User, the date and time of access to the Services, the addresses of requested pages, and other information.
1.1.3. Other information on the User whose processing is provided for by the conditions of using the certain Services rendered through the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website.
1.2. This Policy shall only apply to the information processed during the usage of the Services rendered through the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport does not control, nor is responsible for processing of the information by third parties’ websites to which the User may pass on the links available at the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website, including those in the search results.
1.3. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport does not check the accuracy of the personal information provided by the User, and is not able to assess his/her legal capacity. However, the Moscow Domodedovo Airport assumes that the User provides adequate and sufficient personal information and keeps this personal information up to date.
2. Purposes of Processing of the Users Personal Information
2.1. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall only collect and store the personal information that is necessary to render the Services or the website, or to implement agreements and contracts with the User, except in cases where the legislation provides for compulsory storage of personal information for a legally specified period.
2.2. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall process the User Personal Information for the following purposes:
2.2.1. To identify the party within the framework of the Services, agreements and contracts with the Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
2.2.2. To render personalised Services to the User and to implement agreements and contracts;
2.2.3. To communicate with the User, including to send the notices, requests and information concerning the usage of the Services, the implementation of agreements and contracts, as well as to process requests and orders from the User;
2.2.4. To improve the quality of the Services, the ease of usage thereof, to develop new Services;
2.2.5. To target advertising materials;
2.2.6. To conduct statistical and other studies based upon anonymous data.
2.2.7. To consider the possibility to employ the User at the Moscow Domodedovo Airport when the User fills in a candidacy form.
3. Conditions to Process User Personal Information and the Transfer thereof to Third Parties
3.1. The User Personal Information shall be kept as confidential, except in cases when the User has voluntarily provided information on himself/herself to general public. For the usage of separate Services, the User agrees that a certain part of his/her personal information will become public.
3.2. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport may distribute the User Personal Information both among the persons of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport and to third parties in the following cases:
3.3.1. The User has agreed to do so;
3.3.2. Such a transfer is necessary for the User to use a certain Service or to implement a specific agreement or contract with the User;
3.3.3. Such a transfer is necessary to consider the vacancies of the Users to be employed by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport;
3.3.4. Such a transfer is provided for by the Russian Federation or other applicable legislation within the procedure established by the legislation;
3.3.5. Such a transfer is carried out within the framework of a purchase or other transfer of business (in whole or in part) provided that the purchaser is transferred with all the obligations to comply with the terms hereof with respect to the personal information received by the purchaser;
3.3.6. The processing of the User Personal Information by the depersonalisation thereof resulted in anonymised statistical data to be passed to a third party to conduct researches, to carry out works, or to render services as ordered by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport.
3.4. When processing the Users’ personal data, the Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall be guided with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data”.
4. Change and Deletion of the Personal Information. Compulsory Data Storage.
4.1. The User can at any time change (update, supplement) his/her personal information submitted or a part thereof upon a request of an authorised person. In doing so, any deletion of information can make it impossible to use certain Services rendered through the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website.
4.2. The rights provided for by clause 4.1 hereof may be limited in accordance with the legal requirements. In particular, such limitations may include the obligation of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport to save the information changed or deleted by the User for a period established by the legislation, and the obligation to give this information to a public authority in accordance with the statutory procedure.
5. Personal Information Processing using Cookies and Counters
5.1. The cookies transmitted to and by the User’s equipment through and to the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website, respectively, may be used by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport to render personalised Services to the User, to target the advertisements shown to the User, in statistical and research purposes, as well as to improve the Services rendered through the Moscow Domodedovo Airport’s website.
5.2. The User understands that the hardware and software used by him/her in order to visit the Internet websites can have a ban on operations with cookies (for all or for certain websites), as well as can delete previously received cookies.
5.3. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall be entitled to stipulate that a certain Service shall only be rendered on the condition when the User allows for the acceptance and reception of the cookies.
5.4. The structure, content and technical parameters of a cookie shall be determined by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport, and are subject to change without prior notification of the User.
5.5. The counters placed by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport in the Services can be used to analyse the User’s cookies, to collect and process statistical information on the usage of the Services, as well as to ensure the performance of the Services as a whole or their individual features in particular. The technical parameters of the counters shall be determined by the Moscow Domodedovo Airport, and are subject to change without prior notification of the User.
6. Steps Taken to Protect the User Personal Information
6.1. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall take necessary and sufficient organisational and technical steps in order to protect the User Personal Information against unauthorised or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, and other illegal actions of third parties.
7. Change of the Confidentiality Policy. Applicable Laws
7.1. The Moscow Domodedovo Airport shall be entitled to make changes to this Confidentiality Policy indicating the date of the latest update in the current edition. The new version of the Policy shall enter into force from the moment of the placement thereof, unless otherwise provided for by such new version of the Policy. The current edition hereof is always available at the website by link “Confidentiality Policy”).
7.2. This Policy and the relationships between the User and the Moscow Domodedovo Airport arising from the application of the Confidentiality Policy shall be governed by the Russian Federation laws.
8. Feedback. Questions and Suggestions
8.1. The User can send any suggestions or questions about this Policy to the Moscow Domodedovo Airport Customer Service (feedback@dme.ru), or: 142015 Russian Federation, Moscow Region, town of Domodedovo, area of the Domodedovo (feedback@dme.ru), or: 142015 Russian Federation, Moscow Region, town of Domodedovo, area of the Domodedovo Airport, building 1, LLC DOMODEDOVO COMMERCIAL SERVICES
Date of publishing: 15.07.2015 г.